Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mt Tomah Vid

Here is my first attempt at using my new GoPro Hero. I was unsure how it was going to turn out due to the fact I could see the thing shaking a lot whilst I was riding along but as it turns out it worked very well.

The section of road is from Mt Tomah to Mt Bell on the Bell's Line of road in the Blue Mountains. Traffic is always a problem on this section of road and if your lucky which I wasn't you can make a decent run through here.


  1. Great quality video mate, looks like a great road to ride.

  2. Thanks Rog, it was a first attempt and I wasn't sure it would actually stay on the bike but all good. Its not a bad ride when you don't get held up by traffic.

  3. No chance of it blowing off with you riding that slow......;)
