Day 3
We hit up yet another bakery but too late, as a group of enduro riders were at the bakery before us and they were now out of pies. Lucky they made a pretty mean Bacon & Egg roll.
We filled up and were looking at doing the loop ride over Hotham and back via Falls Creek. Mr Speedy had looked at the Vic roads and found out that the Hotham road was closed this morning due to a sinkhole forming under the road. So plans changed and we took the Omeo Highway then turned onto the Bogong High Plains road and decided to come back via Mitta Mitta.
As the main road was closed this was one of the only roads in the area you could get through on so we took it extra cautious today. Just as we reached the first set of bends on the Omeo highway we came upon a road train carrying sheep heading the same direction we were going. Pure madness to drive that thing on this narrow twisty road. It took quite some time to safely get past him too. He was doing about 20-30kmh taking up both sides of the road. I was hoping that no bikes would be coming the other way, it could have been nasty.
We stopped at the Blue Duck for the others to catch up and regroup after the truck. It took a while.
From here is was a short ride to the Bogong High Plains road turn off. I stopped to direct the traffic up the hill and take a couple of pics, so I went from first in the group to last.
Mr Speedy |
I pulled over as Joby had stopped on the side of the road. Apparently he'd been stung by a wasp that went in his jacket. Thoroughly checking it was gone we continued along. Joby riding the T7 was pointing at the beautiful scenery, when next minute he was riding off the road on a corner into the scenery. Luck for him there wasn't a drop off and it was a flat bit on the end of the corner and he quickly re-entered the road without incident. Still scared the shit outta me as I wasn't expecting it, I bet he needed a change of underwear too.

We were soon in Falls Creek where some big mt Bike event was on. There were busses ferrying loads of bikes up the hill. We saw lots of bikes riding up the hill, too much effort in the heat coming up. It was quite pleasant at Falls Creek but as we dropped down to Mt Beauty the heat quickly rose back up to about 35°C again. All the traffic seemed to be going up the mountain, leaving an empty open road in front with a couple of traffic lights. Was an excellent run down the hill.
I stopped quickly in Mt Beauty to fill my camelbak up with water and we kept going across the back roads and around to Mitta Mitta where we arrive at 1:15pm. The temp out on the plains was up in the mid thirties again so a stop at the Mitta Pub was welcomed. Some of the lads got a bite to eat, they said up to 1.5hr wait time so I just had a couple of lemon squashes down by the river. The food came out in about 30m so it wasn't too bad. People were swimming in the river out the back of the pub.
There were 2 motorcycle cops sitting under the tree across the road from the pub pulling bikes over. As we were about to leave they left before us and went the opposite direction thankfully.
As we climbed up into the High Country on the Omeo Highway the temperature again plummeted from mid thirties down to 25°C which was quite refreshing after riding in the heat. We fueled up before the only servo closed for the day, not sure if it opens on sunday. A couple hours later Stu & Craig come riding in after their trip on some dirt roads. We stay another night in Omeo at the Golden Age Hotel. As I skipped lunch I splurged tonight on the steak, not cheap at $42.

Day 4
We were looking at going across Limestone road and heading up Barry Way to Jindabyne which is all dirt. Checking the weather radar there was a large band of heavy looking rain coming over that would cross our path at some stage. I was hesitant to go Barry Way if it was going to rain, my rear tyre was nearly shot. I should have replaced it before leaving. Thinking a near worn-out tyre will make it might work but it also changes your mindset of where you can ride also. False economy, I'll have to not do that again.
Stu, Scotty, Zammo & Joby took the Barry Way route while the rest of us went back up Omeo Highway, because it was just awful having to do another 105km of twisty mountain road. We again came across a road train filled with sheep on the exact same section heading up the mountain again. Same as yesterday took awhile to get past safely, I was worried for the bikes coming the opposite direction as he was also using all the road. He shouldn't be driving a semi up this road. It was much cooler today at 18°C. About 2/3rds of the way along we got a couple of spots of rain on the visors but that was it. The rain seemed to be to the south below us and heading east.
We stopped at Mitta Pub again to regroup. As we pulled in under the tree, two police Highway patrol officers asked us for our licenses. Yeah they were 2 different guys than yesterday.
We continue our way to Tallangatta for a refuel and then take the granya gap road again a lot of fun before we take the Murray River Road. I stopped for a quick photo at this lookout, I didn't know there was this cool wedge tail eagle statue here as we've always gone past.
It's another warm 30°C day today, not as bad as the previous two days though. The camelbak is a god send on these rides. Continuing along we pass Tintaldra and then all the way into Khancoban where we stop for a bite to eat.
Lunch stop in Khancoban |
The weather was holding out and appeared to be going far to the south of us. Looks like we could have done the Barry Way without any issues. Oh well, we have had some great riding on some of this country's best motorcycle roads so there's always next time.
We left via the Alpine Way another great motorcycle road. We came upon a Harley that was taking up the whole road. This sparked something in Joffrey's head and he immediately had to overtake him under any circumstances. He really does hate those harleys. We blew by and took off leaving the harley rider far behind. When we came back up the range to Dead Horse Gap we pulled over to regroup and take a snap. The last leg into Jindabyne is only about 40 minutes, then its beer o'clock.
Our accomodation for the night was the Banjo Paterson Inn. Fantastic food with cooked breakfast, 4 star hotel rooms and it's a nice spot for a beer out the front overlooking the lake. Everyone was enjoying a chat and the icy cold beer. Yep this is what it's all about.