Sunday, March 26, 2017

New Zealand - North Island Epilogue

The dust had barely settled from the NZ trip and we had landed back in Aus but the trip continued to follow us, after dropping Geoff off at home and a short stop at Stu's place the car refused to start sounding just like the Pearl, the curse of the Pearl had been temporarily passed on. I also received a phone call from the dodgy motel we stayed at in Auckland on the last night telling me we had broken a wall in the room that I was actually in. Total bullshit and they were trying to get more money out of us obviously, the placed looked dodgy as soon as we walked into it. The Allenby Park motel, don't stay there.

Anyway 3 weeks on from the epic trip and even more epic blog postings which took longer than the trip I got a call from Geoff during the week. I have to drop in and see him. Ok so I did and this is what he's gone and done.

Yep I guess the Black pearl did piss him off that much that he traded in his Triumph and went out and bought a brand spanking new Yamaha MT-10. Looks like this New Zealand tour has cost Geoff in excess of $20K now hahahaha.

I'm sure that bike is a decepticon.


  1. You can't beat Jap bikes. They just work.
    Was his Sport giving him trouble too?

    1. Yep and they are cheaper than their european counterparts and more reliable.

  2. Wow, nice looking MT he bought. Collateral damage of the tour, but a good kind.

    1. Oh new bike time, I can't wait to take it for a good long thrashing, err test ride yes thats it.

  3. An expensive trip for Geoff, a wonderful experience (by proxy) for your blog followers. Thanks for the great writeup. It makes me want to return to NZ, stat.

    1. It was a very memorable trip Sonja, we won't forget it anytime soon. Cheers for reading.

  4. Hahahaha - that's just brilliant! Actually, the MT-10 looks superb in plain black. I thought it looked awful in the brighter colours, but each to his or her own. Hope that Geoff has an absolute ball with it.

    At this stage, my next bike will be one of two Triumphs! Not any time soon though according to my Chief Financial Officer!

    Safe riding my friend...

    1. I didn't like the bright coloured wheels on the MT-10 either and think he chose well with just plain black.

      One of 2 Triumph eh, any letting on which one's? I quite liked th eStreet Triple it was a good little bike.

  5. So he followed up on the threat eh?

    Pretty spiffy! Let's hope that the curse of the Black Pearl is ancient history...

    1. Yes he most certainly did. We were all standing in your back yard laughing at Geoff thinking he was just being hysterical, but he did actually come good on his threats.

  6. Yes well the curse did play a minor part in it , but i really wanted a an older mans version of your R1 Hoss....Ps the curse of the black pearl is still claiming victims...aka stu....he rode it as well.

    1. Yes I saw that on the weekend. Stu's new name is Captain Collarbone.

  7. Steve, I gradually read through your posts and meant to comment earlier. You've done an brilliant job of the write up and pics. I don't know how you remember all the details - do you record some notes at the end of each day? How do you think the North Island compares as a motorcycle destination with the South Island trip that you did previously?

    1. Hi Jules
      I did take down a few notes when I was in NZ when I had wifi but was no more than a few lines just to remind myself. I found when I looked through the photos that I remembered what we did and got up to.

      Mate the North Island is a cracking place to go bike riding, as a comparison I think the NI is more technical than the SI with any direction you point a bike in is just a twisty hilly road. That said the SI is so much more spectacular in scenery and the road quality is so much better. The NI roads are similar to our NSW road and are a bit of a mixed bag of good and bad. The whole NI kind of looks the same, hills with winding roads where the SI has snow capped peaks everywhere. Well worth doing but I don't think I would do it again. If i had to pick one to do again I would go SI for sure,
