I'm hopping mad and downright disgusted and outraged.
Why? Because the traffic and court system is broken here in our country.
I've been following a story for 18 months now where a women crashed into two motorcyclists hospitalizing both of them. See the dash cam video below to see what happened.
She received a $1000 fine, a one month driving suspension and no driving conviction recorded.
This is basically the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. The female driver was clearly in the wrong failing to give way to traffic. With the recent blow up in the media about the amount of deaths on the roads in 2017 and we see this and the driver basically gets nothing. She almost killed two innocent riders and got away with it.
Riders Steve Caruana, 43, suffered a broken pelvis and lost his left testicle(OMG) while riding partner Marc Logan, 38, a broken right leg, left foot and right hand.
Steve has lost his job and cannot work in the construction industry due to his injuries and says the fine is “absolute bullshit”. “I’ve copped more from speeding fines and didn’t endanger anyone’s life,” he says.
Following on from from my recent articles about licensing, speed limits and speeding fines in this country you can read about here and here. He is absolutely right too, Vicpol are more interested in hiding in the bushes trying to nab drivers doing less than 10km over the limit than actually doing something about people that drive like this women and put people in hospitals. You lose your license here for one month and a huge fine for just doing 25kmh over the speed limit on a remote country road with no one around, and I might add without hurting anyone, which makes the fine in this case an absolute joke.
Our court system really is broken if this is all you get for nearly killing two other motorists.