We stopped in at the lookout for a quick stop and photo, the place was deserted when we got there but soon enough there was starting to get quite a few cars. We headed into Wisemans for lunch.
I ordered the home made pot pie and VTRman got a chicken schnity. The pot pie was fantastic and the schnitzel looked good to. I'll be getting one of those again when I come back. It was all washed down with an ice cold beer. Does it get any better than this.

Instead of coming straight back the way we had come we decided on taking the river road. VTRman hadn't been down here before so I thought he might enjoy the fabulous scenery through here. When we pulled up to take some pics he commented on how great this area was with all the sandstone rock formations right besides the road. Some off them had to be carved out so that the road would fit between the cliffs and the river. You can see some of those photos from a previous blog post here.
We decided to take the lower Portland ferry across the river. There's something about ferry's I just enjoy riding them. The ferry master had 3 kids helping him out today. As the ferry came close to the shore it was very sideways. I mentioned that he must be drinking or something and we both had a laugh. Anyway once it pulled up the little kids ran out and opened the ferry gate and also the boom across the road. Looks like the ferry master was having an easy day with these helpers.
On the way home we hit a brief light shower coming back down Windsor road. It wasn't even enough to wet our jeans but I could see more bad weather ahead so it was a quick ride back home. Thanks for the great day out VTRman. We will have to do it again soon.